Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Council
Regular Public Workshop
April 29, 2016, 9:00 a.m.
Bolinas Fire Protection, 100 Mesa Road, Bolinas, CA 94924
The Marin County Board of Supervisors encourages a respectful dialogue that supports freedom of speech and values diversity of opinion. Commissioners, staff, and the public are expected to be polite and courteous, and refrain from questioning the character or motives of others. Please help create an atmosphere of respect by not booing, whistling or clapping; by adhering to speaking time limits; and by silencing your cell phone.
- Call to Order
- Open Time
Open time for public expression, up to three minutes per speaker, on items not on today’s agenda. The Council will hear items without return comment or discussion. Testimony regarding matters not on the agenda will not be considered part of the administrative record.
- Approve Minutes for September 30, 2015, October 30, 2015, January 29, 2016, and March 18, 2016 (Action Item)
Recommendation: Approve Minutes for meetings held on:
- Management of Eucalyptus Tress on the Northwest side of the Lagoon (Information Item)
Staff will provide a status update on the removal of eucalyptus trees from Bolinas Lagoon.
- Bolinas Lagoon Restoration Project Update (Information Item)
Staff will provide a summary of current restoration projects within the lagoon.
- Agency Reports (Information Item)
Marin County Parks, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Point Reyes National Seashore, and Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary may provide a brief report on issues under their jurisdictions.
- Council Member Comments (Information Item)
Council members may speak about items of interest that do not appear on the agenda. The Council cannot discuss or take action on these items.
- Next Meeting Date (Action Item)
Recommendation: Approve a date for the next Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Council meeting.
- Adjourn