Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Council
Regular Public Meeting
April 29, 2022, 9:00 a.m.
Meeting Location
Bolinas Fire Protection District, 100 Mesa Road, Bolinas, California
Call to Order
Public Comment
Open time for public expression, up to three minutes per speaker, on items not on the Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Council Agenda. (While members of the public are welcome to address the Council, under the Brown Act advisory council members may not discuss, deliberate or take action on items not on the agenda, and generally may only listen.)
- Meeting Minutes from October 29, 2021 to be submitted for approval (Action Item)
- Election of Officers (Action Item)
Recommendation: Elect a Chair and Vice-Chair for 2022-2023
- Solicitation of interest from the local community in joining the BLAC in Council Member positions (Information Item)
Discussion: Potential strategies to encourage new participation by community members into some non-Agency Council positions prior to renewal of appointments on 10/20/2024.
- Bolinas Lagoon Wye Wetlands Project Update. (Information Item)
Project update on Bolinas Lagoon Wye Wetlands Project by Veronica Pearson, Marin County Parks Senior Ecological Restoration Planner.
- Letter to Kate Bimrose, Formerly of Greater Farralones Association, appreciating her years of service to the BLAC (Action Item)
Recommendation: Compose and send a letter of commendation to Kate Bimrose thanking her for her service to the BLAC.
- Agency Reports (Information Item)
Agency members may report on agency activities that have taken place since the previous BLAC meeting that do not appear on the agenda. Council cannot discuss or take action on these items.
- Council Member Comments (Information Item)
Council members may speak about items of interest that do not appear on the agenda. Council members cannot discuss or take action on these items.
- Next Regular Meeting Date (Action Item)
Approve Friday October 28, 2022 at 9 a.m. for the next Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Council meeting.