Eagle Rock Trail Improvements

Improving a recreational trail in Terra Linda/Sleepy Hollow

UPDATED: June 1, 2024

Construction Continues

Work continues on the Eagle Rock Trail realignment in Terra Linda/Sleepy Hollow Preserve. The road and trail crew continues making progress on building bridges and extending the trail as planned. Areas adjacent to Eagle Rock Trail, including social trails, remain closed 24/7 during construction. Heavy equipment is on site.

UPDATED: April 6, 2023

Construction Begins

Work has begun on the Eagle Rock Trail realignment in Terra Linda/Sleepy Hollow Preserve. The current Eagle Rock Trail will remain open during construction. Areas adjacent to Eagle Rock Trail, including social trails, will be closed 24/7 during construction. Visitors should proceed with caution and be aware of heavy equipment in the area.

UPDATED: November 8, 2023

Board Approval

The MCOSD Board of Directors approved moving forward with the Eagle Rock Trail project (formerly called Memorial Trail) on November 8, 2023.  MCOSD held a period of public comment on the CEQA document for this proposed project from June 13 through July 15, 2022. Construction is anticipated to begin in spring 2023.

Project Purpose

The purpose of the proposed project is to implement the MCOSD’s Road and Trail Management Plan (RTMP) to provide the public with a trail system to enhance the visitor experience, reduce the environmental impacts on sensitive resources by reducing sedimentation and erosion, and establish a sustainable system of roads and trails that meet design and management standards and would provide safe year-round access along the trail alignment.

Project Summary

The Eagle Rock Trail and adjacent social trails in Terra Linda/Sleepy Hollow Preserve currently comprise a network of steep, eroding, and unsustainable pathways totaling over three miles. By realigning the Memorial Trail and providing sustainable trailhead connections, the proposed project would reduce the overall trail length by approximately .29 of a mile, and provide more equitable access to cyclists, equestrians, and hikers. This would also improve areas of native plant and wildlife communities by reducing habitat fragmentation and encroachment into relatively undisturbed areas.

The current Eagle Rock Trail alignment runs from Ridgewood Fire Road to Dias Way and exceeds a 35% gradient. A new alignment would be constructed at a sustainable 5 to 10% grade. To achieve this, the proposed trailhead would use the existing trailhead at Del Haro Way and be signed as a system trail. The trail length would total approximately 1.95 miles. This includes hiking only extensions to Malone Lane and Dias Way, and a hiking and equestrian extension to Oak Ridge Road. Currently undesignated trailheads at Malone Lane, Oak Ridge Road, and Del Haro Way would be signed as system trails. The proposed realignment would have 13 crossings of ephemeral streams. Seven of these crossings would be rock armored fords, and six are proposed as bridges. The proposed project would also decommission 1.77 miles of trail, including the current trail and several unsustainable and actively eroding social trails. In addition, about a half-mile of social trail would be upgraded and included into the designated trail system.

Features would include:

  • Realign Eagle Rock Trail and change to multiuse hike/bike/equestrian trail
  • Realign the Oak Ridge social trail to a sustainable equestrian and hiker only trail
  • Upgrade the Dias Way Trail to a sustainable hiker only trail
  • Realign the Malone Lane social trail to a sustainable hiking only trail
  • Incorporate and upgrade some segments of the existing social trail network into the Eagle Rock and Malone Trails
  • Decommission and restore unsustainable and actively eroding social trails

Project Objectives

Implementation of the proposed project would achieve the following objectives:

  • Improve visitor access to the preserve, including to Terra Linda High School
  • Reduce trail erosion and sedimentation
  • Reduce trail density and habitat fragmentation

Permits and Approvals 

  • San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board
  • California Department of Fish and Wildlife


  • 2019: Identified during Region 5 Designation 
  • 2019–20: Community meetings and outreach  
  • 2019–20: Feasibility analysis, biological resources assessment, and workplan development 
  • Spring 2021:Terra Linda Neighborhood Association, Terra Linda High School athletic department, Environmental Roundtable site visits
  • August 2021: Tribal notification
  • 2022: CEQA, including public comment and regulatory permit process
  • 2023–2024: Implement trail and habitat improvements