McNears Master Plan

Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration

The proposed Master Plan for McNears Beach Park is a comprehensive long-term planning document guiding the future development of park facilities, improvements and programs. The Master Plan provides recommendations for general infrastructure, and circulation improvements to singular design elements. Overall, the Master Plan aims to protect natural, cultural, and recreational amenities that currently exist within the park while proposing new complementary features and programs. Specific improvements would be constructed incrementally over the life span of the Master Plan.

A public comment period on the draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the McNears Beach Park Master Plan took place between February 6, 2017 and March 7, 2017.  

The IS/MND evaluated the environmental effects of the Master Plan. The report described the project and its setting and evaluated it for potential impacts on environmental resources, including biology, air and water quality, cultural resources, and other resource areas. The report identified mitigation measures to address potential impacts. With these mitigation measures, the project would not result in significant impacts on the environment.  

The County Board of Supervisors approved the IS/MND for the McNears Master Plan in May 2017. Further environmental analysis will likely be required under the California Environmental Quality Act before work on any specific project takes place. Approval from the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission would also be required for any work within 100 feet of the shoreline.